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Learn Korean emotional expresstions

by 리치엔스카이 2023. 11. 13.

안녕하세요! Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Korean emotional expressions. Learning how to express various emotions in Korean not only enhances your language skills but also deepens your understanding of Korean culture. In this guide, we'll explore a range of emotions and provide you with expertly crafted expressions. Let's delve into the rich world of Korean emotional vocabulary.




1. Happiness (행복)

Korean Expression and Conversation

기뻐요 (Gi-bbeo-yo) - I'm happy.


A: 안녕하세요! 기분이 어때요?

(Hello! How are you feeling?)

B: 기뻐요! 오랜만에 좋은 소식을 들었어요.

(I'm happy! I heard some good news after a long time.)


행복해요 (Haeng-bok-hae-yo) - I'm joyful.


A: 왜 그렇게 행복해 보이세요?

(Why do you look so joyful?)

B: 새로운 일자리를 찾아서요. 정말 행복해요.

(I found a new job. I'm really joyful.)


2. Sadness (슬픔)

Korean Expression and Conversation

슬퍼요 (Seul-peo-yo) - I'm sad.


A: 어제의 일로 인해 슬퍼 보여요. 그것에 대해 얘기해도 괜찮아요?

(You seem sad because of what happened yesterday. Is it okay to talk about it?)

B: 네, 감사해요. 좀 힘들어서, 나도 그것에 대해 얘기하고 싶었어요.

(Yes, thank you. It's been tough, and I wanted to talk about it.)


안타까워요 (An-ta-gga-wo-yo) - It's regrettable.


A: 왜 그렇게 안타까워 보이세요?

(Why do you look so regrettable?)

B: 안타까워요 우리가 경기에 진 것이)

(It's regrettable that we lost in a game)


3. Surprise (놀람)

Korean Expression and Conversation

놀랐어요 (Nol-lat-sseo-yo) - I'm surprised.


A: 오늘 생일이에요? 놀랐어요! 축하해요!

(Is today your birthday? I'm surprised! Congratulations!)

B: 네, 감사합니다! 많은 사람들이 축하해 주니까 더 기쁘네요.

(Yes, thank you! It's even more joyful with so many people congratulating me.)


어떻게 된 거에요? (Eo-tteo-ke doen geo-e-yo?) - What's going on? 


A: 왜 이렇게 헤매고 있어요? 어떻게 된 거예요?

(Why are you wandering like this? What's going on?)

B: 길을 잘못 들어서 조금 헷갈렸어요.

(I took the wrong turn and got a bit confused.)


4. Excitement (흥분)

Korean Expression and Conversation

신나요 (Shin-na-yo) - I'm excited.


A: 내일 파티가 있어요! 신나요!

(There's a party tomorrow! I'm excited!)

B: 네, 정말 기대돼요! 오랜만에 친구들과 즐거운 시간을 보낼 거예요.

(Yes, I'm really looking forward to it! It's been a while since I spent a good time with friends.)


흥분돼요 (Heung-bun-dwae-yo) - I'm thrilled. 


A: 오늘 저녁에 뭐 특별한 일이 있나요?

(Is there anything special happening this evening?)

B: 네, 새로운 카페에서 친구들과 만날 거예요. 정말 흥분돼요.

(Yes, I'm meeting friends at a new cafe. I'm really thrilled.)


5. Anger (화남)

Korean Expression and Conversation

화나요 (Hwa-na-yo) - I'm angry.


A: 왜 화나 보이세요? 무슨 일이에요?

(Why do you look angry? What happened?)

B: 화나요. 그들이 계속 똑같은 실수를 반복하니까 말이에요.

(I'm angry. It's like they keep making the same mistakes over and over.)


짜증나요 (Jja-jeung-na-yo) - It's annoying. 


A: 왜 그렇게 짜증나 보여요?

(Why do you look so annoyed?)

B: 짜증나요 왜냐면 그들이 계속해서 똑같은 실수를 반복하니까요.

(It's annoying because they keep making the same mistake over and over.)


6. Confusion (혼란)

Korean Expression and Conversation

헷갈려요 (Het-gal-lyeo-yo) - I'm confused.


A: 오늘 공부하다가 헷갈려서 왔어요. 도와줄 수 있을까요?

(I came because I got confused while studying today. Can you help me?)

B: 물론이죠. 어디서 막혔나요?

(Of course. Where did you get stuck?)


어려워요 (Eo-ryeo-wo-yo) - It's difficult.


A: 이번 프로젝트에 대해 어떻게 생각하세요?

(What do you think about this project?)

B: 좋은 아이디어들이 많지만, 일부 부분은 정말 어려워요.

(There are a lot of great ideas, but some parts are really difficult.)


7. Love (사랑)

Korean Expression and Conversation

사랑해요 (Sa-rang-hae-yo) - I love you.


A: 당신을 사랑해요.

(I love you.)

B: 나도 역시 당신을 사랑해요.

(I love you, too.)


마음이 통해요 (Ma-eum-i-tong-hae-yo) - Our hearts connect.


A: 너의 얘기를 들으면 마음이 따뜻해져요.

(Listening to your story warms my heart.)

B: 나도 그렇게 느껴져요. 우린.. 마음이 통해요.

(I feel the same way. We.. Our hearts connect.)



Learning Korean emotional expressions is not just about language; it's a key to understanding the Korean people and culture. Incorporating these expressions into your daily conversations will enrich your language experience. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't hesitate to use these expressions in your interactions. Happy learning!
