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Consonants and Vowels in Korean Standard Pronunciation Symbols <Hangul>

by 리치엔스카이 2023. 9. 7.


Hangul, the native script of the Korean language, is renowned for its logical and user-friendly design. Whether you're a language enthusiast, a teacher, or a student, understanding the consonants and vowels in Hangul is crucial for mastering the Korean language. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the Korean standard pronunciation symbols, delving into the structure and pronunciation of Hangul's consonants and vowels.



Consonants in Hangul

The Korean script has 14 basic consonants. These consonants are classified into two categories: Jaeum (initial consonants) and Batchim (final consonants). Here, we'll examine the initial consonants, which are commonly referred to as 'Jaeum'


ㄱ (g/k): This symbol represents the 'g' or 'k' sound, depending on its position within a word. It corresponds to the English sounds found in "gate" (when initial) or "kite" (when final).

ㄴ (n): Similar to the English 'n' sound in words like "night" or "nail."

ㄷ (d/t): This consonant can be pronounced as 'd' or 't,' depending on its placement. It is comparable to the English 'd' in "dog" (when initial) or 't' in "top" (when final).

ㄹ (l/r): This versatile character can represent either the 'l' or 'r' sound, like in the English words "lake" (when initial) or "rice" (when final).

ㅁ (m): Resembling the English 'm' sound found in "moon" or "map."

ㅂ (b/p): Depending on its location in a word, it can be pronounced as 'b' (e.g., "baby" when initial) or 'p' (e.g., "pen" when final).

ㅅ (s): Similar to the English 's' in "sun" or "sand."

ㅇ (ng/null): This character is unique in that it represents the 'ng' sound when used as a batchim (final consonant), as in "song," and is silent when used as an initial consonant.

ㅈ (j/ch): It can sound like 'j' in "jump" (when initial) or 'ch' in "cheese" (when final).

ㅊ (ch): Comparable to the English 'ch' sound in "church" or "cheetah."

ㅋ (k): Resembles the English 'k' sound found in "kangaroo" or "kettle."

ㅌ (t): Similar to the English 't' sound in "table" or "tiger."

ㅍ (p): Represents the 'p' sound, akin to "pizza" or "piano."

ㅎ (h): Similar to the English 'h' sound in "happy" or "house."


Vowels in Hangul

Hangul consists of 10 basic vowels. These vowels can be combined with consonants to form syllables, making Korean writing systematic.


ㅏ (a): Pronounced like the 'a' in "father." It's a short, open vowel sound.

ㅑ (ya): Similar to the English 'ya' in "yard." It's a combination of the 'y' sound and the 'a' sound.

ㅓ (eo): Resembles the 'eo' sound in "elephant." It's a mid-open vowel sound.

ㅕ (yeo): Similar to the English 'yeo' in "yellow." It's a combination of the 'y' sound and the 'eo' sound.

ㅗ (o): Pronounced like the 'o' in "go" or "boat." It's a mid-back vowel sound.

ㅛ (yo): Comparable to the English 'yo' in "yo-yo." It's a combination of the 'y' sound and the 'o' sound.

ㅜ (u): Resembles the 'u' sound in "true" or "blue." It's a mid-back vowel sound.

ㅠ (yu): Similar to the English 'yu' in "youth" or "cute." It's a combination of the 'y' sound and the 'u' sound.

ㅡ (eu): This unique vowel sound is like the 'eu' in the French word "peur." It's a neutral, relaxed sound often described as a "schwa" sound.

ㅣ (i): Pronounced like the 'ee' in "see" or "tree." It's a high-front vowel sound.


Combining Consonants and Vowels

Hangul's beauty lies in its simplicity and logical structure for combining consonants and vowels. Syllables in Korean are typically written vertically, with the consonant on the left side and the vowel on the right side. These combinations create unique sounds and meanings.



Understanding the consonants and vowels in Hangul according to Korean standard pronunciation symbols is the foundation for effective communication in the Korean language. As you delve deeper into learning Hangul, remember that practice and consistency are key. With time and dedication, you'll master this elegant script and open the door to a deeper understanding of Korean culture and language. Happy learning!
